The call came early. Shelagh’s uncle had fallen out of bed. Cracked 5 ribs. Rushed to intensive care. Ottawa, in January: cold, snow, ice, and slush.
Airline ticket purchased; Shelagh set off for Canada. Uncle Joe had celebrated 100 summers the previous October. We were there for that. He was physically frail but mentally alert. Paule, his wife, has dementia and was out of her depth. So, Shelagh moved them both to a care home where poor Joe died, reunited for only 2 days with Paule. Shelagh was detained in Canada a month taking care of funeral and other arrangements.
2024 has robbed us of 2 of our oldest friends. Which has strengthened our determination to see as much of those who remain wherever they may be in the world, while we are healthy and mobile.
We started the year with Tim & Jenny in the SW of France and took advantage of being close to Toulouse on our drive home to spend a couple of days in La Ville Rose. While Shelagh was in Canada, Mike focused on cycling, including a 2 day, 180km trip to Lac du Salagou and St Guilhem-le-Désert on the Camino de Santiago.
In fact, Mike spent the first half of 2024 preparing for a bike ride from Apt to Paris (870kms) which you are welcome to read about in the following pages. He rode for Les Restos du Coeur, France’s National Food Bank and thank everyone who kindly sponsored him.
In March we revisited Sri Lanka at the invitation of Tim and Jenny and visited the ancient capitals we missed in 1997 on our first visit, due to the civil war.
Paul & Kirsty came from London in March to spend a month in Rustrel for the 3rd successive year and, with Michael Sheridan, we enjoyed discovering Nice and Menton.
Our trip to Venice at the end of April was not without incident, when our flight from Marseille was cancelled due to strike action so we decided to make our way by train, which involved 4 different trains and arrival at 10 in the evening instead of 10 in the morning!
Our old university friend, Marcus Lecky came to visit in May from New Zealand with his wife Kirsten and much reminiscing was done. By this time, we had opened our doors to B&B guests and Spring business was brisk.
Mike set off on my 9-day cycle trip to Paris at the end of May, suitably toned up by his personal trainer and physio, while Shelagh took off for Florence with Christine from London. The two of them spent a week in Castello di Montegufoni in Tuscany, a favourite holiday destination of ours in the late 80s. Our purpose was to organize a 75th birthday party for Christine next year.
By June we were both on our way back to Ottawa to empty Uncle Joe’s house. Think department store warehouse on 3 floors! It was gruelling and resulted in sickness for both of us when we were back home.
Our B&B was in full swing in July until we closed it to spend our now annual mini vacation in Aix-en-Provence for the Opera Festival, returning home in time to work on a fund-raising Art Auction at the end of it.
Every August, Rustrel, our village, hosts a Jazz Workshop for amateur musicians, some of whom rent their accommodation at La Cour Carree. We enjoy their company and there is always a good concert at the end of the week attended by lots of villagers.
September is birthday month, and this year it was the 75th of our very special Belgian friend Bernard. With his wife and daughters, we planned and organized a party in Rustrel, in surprising accommodation right in the heart of the village, housing 30 guests from Belgium, Germany and Israel. The action-packed weekend included a 2CV rally, one of the highlights. On birthday party night, the Mistral wind blew so hard we had to scramble for outdoor heaters for the outdoor dinner celebration.
We are always delighted to have visits from friends and this year they came to stay from Montreal, Vancouver Island, Palm Springs, The Hague, Ludlow, New Zealand, London and France. At times the house seemed to be bursting at the seams! Just how we like it!
We like to travel in late September, around Shelagh’s birthday, and set off on a bucket list trip to the Italian Lakes: Stresa on Lake Maggiore, the Borromean Islands, Bergamo, Desenzano on Lake Garda, Bellagio on Lake Como and returning through Turin. The weather wasn’t great, but the lakes, towns and surrounding hills did not disappoint. They are beautiful in any weather and look somehow more atmospheric shrouded in cloud.
In October we mourned the deaths of my oldest schoolfriend, Malcolm Money and our long-time Dutch friend from Brussels days, Cornelis Vlaanderen. It’s in large part thanks to Dutch as we knew him, that we decided to live in the Luberon valley. Two funerals in 2 weeks was tough. But, say what you like about funerals, they reunite old friends and for that we are grateful.
As an antidote, we took the TGV to Paris for a Bob Dylan concert, before boarding the Eurostar to London for the first funeral. We later returned to London to celebrate my brother Clive’s 75th birthday and watch Arsenal draw with Liverpool.
We still had one more trip to make to Canada, Shelagh's third this year, ostensibly to see Bruce Springsteen in Ottawa, but also to bring back documents and papers from Shelagh’s uncle’s house, held in safe keeping with friends until we could claim them. We took advantage of this trip to spend a few days on beautiful Vancouver Island, at the apartment kindly lent to us by friends. We crossed the island to Tofino, a beautiful little port at the end of the 60s Hippy Trail, where surfer dudes and draft dodgers used to congregate. It is still pretty laid back and loose. In surprisingly gorgeous, mild weather we spotted an opportunity to fly over Vargas and Meares Island in a 4-seater seaplane and had wonderful views of the 1,500-year-old Cedar trees.
Now we are preparing for Christmas at home. We will be 25 at table on Christmas Day! The festivities seem to start earlier each year, and there is much work to do. Our annual “Advent Street Apéro” takes place on Dec 14th when villagers gather in our street around mulled wine and soup to share some Seasonal cheer and delicious finger food against a background of live music!
But that’s enough of what we have been up to! Please share your year with us and please stay in touch or come and visit!
Despite our concerns about the way of the world, we remain optimistic about life surrounded by good friends and beauty wherever we look.
We wish you warm Season’s Greetings and for 2025, health and serenity for you and yours!
Shelagh and Mike
Pop concerts this year: Sir Paul McCartney in Paris, Bruce Springsteen in Ottawa, Bob Dylan in Paris
Venice in April - including the Pope's visit
Olympic Games in Marseille with my friend Nick, also seen in Venice (above)
Sri Lanka in March
Tofino, Vancouver Island and Victoria BC